If You’re Feeling Stuck, Do These Three Things

Mondays can be a struggle. But a rainy Monday? That’s a whole other level of the Monday blues.

The rain has always affected me. A dreary rainy day zaps my energy, and somedays, it makes me feel downright depressed.

That’s how this week started; it was gloomy all day and rained consistently, the air felt heavy, and the sun didn’t shine once.

When I got up for work, I could feel the familiar pulls of lethargy, glumness, and negativity. But instead of pushing back or leaning into the off-ness, I did three things.

1. Accepted how I felt.

Instead of telling myself not to feel a certain way, I gave myself permission to feel what I was feeling. And then, I reminded myself of this truth: Nothing in life is permanent. Rainy days don't last forever, and neither do negative emotions.

2. Journaled about the emotions I was experiencing. 

I’ve said it before, and I’ll never stop saying it. Journaling is the single best tool for getting to the heart of who you are. While journaling, I was able to figure out why I was feeling the way I was feeling (spoiler alert, it had nothing to do with the rain; the rain simply brought it to the surface).

3. Made a list of what would make me feel better.

The list included meditating, working on my side business, listening to motivational videos while I worked, and doing yoga. It wasn’t so much a “to do” list but rather a “get back to me” list.

I shared these sentiments on Instagram and LinkedIn on Monday, hoping someone might pick up a pen and paper and investigate their emotions. But I also documented these steps for my future self, because I know me; I know it won’t be the last time I grapple with difficult emotions.

Ironically, as I rework my words from Monday, Upstate New York is on day two of a heat wave. There’s not a cloud in the sky, and the sun is beaming. And although this weather is what I longed for on Monday, the heat brings its own challenges, serving as a potent reminder that nothing in life is perfect — even the things we wish for can bring hurdles to overcome. And that’s okay, that’s just life.

So if you’re feeling stuck, know that you’re not alone and there are tools to help you. I encourage you to look inside yourself and find what works best for you. After all, you’re the one who knows you better than anyone else; you owe it to yourself to figure it out.


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